Central Library

Library WEB OPAC
Access to e-Resources
National Digital Library
Indian Knowledge Systems & Cultural Heritage

Saraswathi Sadan, the Central Library of SASTRA is an architectural elegance over an area of about 4,340 sq. m with modern study area, audio–visual room, internet and reprographic facilities. It is the nerve centre of the entire campus catering to the literary and knowledge pursuits of the faculty and students. Responding to the technological developments in the 21st century, SASTRA has adopted automation and integrated Information & Communication Technology tools into the resources and services offered in the Central Library. This has ensured that the library does not become an irrelevant space turning into a warehouse of books in an academic institution. Further, availability of e–resources and completely Wi–Fi enabled campus facilitate collaborative and interactive learning thus making the entire campus (classrooms to hostel rooms) into a virtual library

The Library has a collection of 1,56,400 print books and over 1,85,757 e–books covering various subjects like Engineering & Technology, Management, Law, Education, Arts, Science, Humanities, Management, etc. The library subscribes to online journal databases like Science Direct, IEEE, ACM, ASME, ASCE, Springer Journals, American Chemical Society, Nature Journal, Institute of Physics, Proquest One Academic, IET Digital Library, ASTM-SEDL, EBSCO - BSP, ABI/INFORM – Complete, Oxford University Press, etc. providing full text access to around to 22,950 journals. The online resources like Manupatra and CDJ provides full text access to Judgments of Supreme Court of India, High Courts, U.S. Supreme Court, etc., and over 1000 legal journal.

Annual subscription to bibliographic databases like Web of Sciences providing access to over 16,400 titles is also available. SASTRA is also an associate member of the e-SHODH SINDHU, which provides access to online resources. Online access for all the e-books and e-journals has facilitated on-campus users to access the huge collection from the comfort of their rooms and at their convenience. Access to the vast online resources at the library for SASTRA fraternity when they are off-campus is provided through the Knimbus software tool, enabling connectivity with SASTRA from anywhere around the world.