Library Orientation Programme
Working Hours:
Week days (Mon to Sat) – 8.30 a.m. to 10.00 p.m.
Sunday & Other Public Holidays – 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.
However the timings will be extended till 12 midnight during the working days of the Study holidays, terminal Examination and a day before the Continuous Internal Assessment Examination (Mid Term Exam).
Counter Timings:
Counter timings refers to transactions (i.e. issue and return) of the books.
Weekdays (Mon to Sat) – 8.30 a.m. to 8.00 p.m.
Sundays & Other Public Holidays – No Transaction & Restricted Services
Personal Belongings:
Users (Students, Research Scholars and staff Members) are permitted to take only one note book inside the Library for taking notes. Other personal belongings should be kept in the safety lockers available in the personal belongings room. The key for safety locker can be had from our Library staff at the Counter on production of ID card. On return of key after the Library usage, the ID card will be returned. The Central Library is not responsible for any loss of your valuables. No printed materials/Xerox Materials will be permitted to take inside the Central Library.
Library Resources:
Books (Hard Copy) - 1,02,633
E-books (Springer & Ebrary) - 91,480
Total - 1,94,113
Periodicals (Hard Copy)
National Periodicals - 228
International Periodicals - 62
Total - 290
Online Resources @ SASTRA
S.No. | Database Name | Subjects Covered |
E-Journals |
1 |
Science Direct (Engineering) |
Engineering |
2 |
Science Direct (Computer Science) |
Computer Science |
3 |
Science Direct (Health Sciences) |
Health Sciences & Pharmacy |
4 |
Science Direct (Materials Science) |
Chemical & Material Sciences |
5 |
Science Direct (Biochemistry, Genetics & Molecular Biology) |
Biochemistry, Molecular Biology & Genetics |
6 |
ABI/INFORM – Complete |
Management |
7 |
EBSCO – Business Source Premier |
Management |
8 |
Mechanical Engineering |
9 |
Civil Engineering |
10 |
Computer Science & Engg. |
11 |
IEEE * |
EEE, ECE, CSE etc. |
12 |
Springer Journals |
All Subjects |
13 |
Science |
14 |
Portland Press |
Biochemical |
15 |
Royal Society of Chemistry |
Chemistry |
16 |
American Chemical Society |
Chemical Engineering |
17 |
Annual Reviews |
Scientific Literature in Biomedical, Life, Physical & Social Sciences |
18 |
All Subjects (Except Engg.) |
19 |
Nature |
Bioscience |
20 |
Cambridge University Press |
All Subjects (Except Engg.) |
21 |
Oxford University Press |
All Subjects (Including Engg.) |
22 |
Institute of Physics |
Physics and Astronomy |
23 |
American Institute of Physics |
Physics |
24 |
Project Euclid |
Maths & Statistics |
25 |
IET Digital Library |
Engineering |
26 |
ASTM Engg. Standards & Journals |
27 |
Proquest Science Journal |
Science & Engineering |
Legal Database |
28 |
Manupatra - Judgments, Bare Acts. Etc. |
Law |
29 |
Lexis Nexis – Academic Universe |
Law |
30 |
Taxmann Taxation Databases |
Judgments related to Direct, Company & Service Taxes |
e-Books |
31 |
Springer (Complete Suite of the Copyright year 2005 to 2012) |
All Subjects |
32 |
Ebrary – Academic Complete |
All Subjects |
33 |
Interactive Books |
Engineering |
Bibliographic Databases |
34 |
Scopus – Provides bibliographic information from peer reviewed 23,600 titles |
Life Sciences, Health Sciences, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences & Humanities |
35 |
MathSciNet – Provides access to reviews, abstracts and bibliographic information for much of the mathematical sciences literature |
Mathematics |
Thesis and Dissertation |
36 |
Proquest – Provides access to more than 17,00,000 Ph.D Dissertations |
All Subjects |
Audio & Video Course Materials |
37 |
NPTEL – Video Lectures Notes Series on Engineering Subjects jointly prepared by IITs & IISc. |
Engineering |
* IEEE online database is a single user access and only one person can access it at a time. The users should step into TIFAC-CORE building to access the IEEE database.
Online databases @ SASTRA provides full text access to over 12,000 journals, 91,400 e-books, 17,00,000 Ph.D. Dissertations, bibliographic access to several thousand titles, Legal & Business policies, court judgments etc.
Accessing Online Databases via campus IP Ranges:
All registered wi-fi users of SASTRA can simultaneously access the above databases (except IEEE) as detailed below:
To access online resources subscribed by SASTRA, Login to our website and click the option Infrastructure and Online Resources.
From the online resource webpage, you can select the particular database and use the available search module to access the article of your interest. Each database provides access to bibliographic access and full text access. The search result with green button provides full text access and white button provides bibliographic access. Bibliographic access provides information like author, source(Title of the Journal, book, proceedings etc.), publication, copyright year etc. along with the abstract of the article.
Book Search:
The availability of our Library holdings can be checked by using Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC). The books are arranged in the subject order namely ECE, EEE, EIE, Civil, Mechanical, Computer etc with bay guides indicating the holdings of the subjects in the particular rack. The books available in the stack room alone will be lent
UG Student - 2 Nos.
PG Student - 3 Nos.
UG Student (Part Time) - 2 Nos.
The number of books mentioned against their category can be borrowed at a time for a period of 14 days. Renewal of the borrowed book is permitted until no user has reserved it. Provisions for reservation of issued books are permitted.
During each transaction, ID card should be produced in the concerned counter. The borrowed books should be returned within the due date stamped in the due date slip. While getting the book issued, please check the book whether it is in good condition. If not, bring it to the notice of the Librarian otherwise you will be responsible for the damage and liable to replace the book.
The borrowed books should be returned/renewed on or before the due date stamped in the due date slip available in the last page of each book. For defaulters, the overdue will be charged for the late return of the borrowed books as detailed below:
- 50 paisa per day for first 14 days after the due date.
- Rs.2/- per day from15th day onwards.
Transactions will be blocked if overdue amount exceeds Rs. 50/. Overdue amount will be calculated only after the return of the borrowed book.
Multimedia Section:
A multimedia section equipped with state-of –the- art systems, projection TVs, DVDs etc. so that users can utilize the digital collections. Over 9500 informative, entertainment and subject CDs are available for use within the Library. Thin Client systems are provided to access the online resources subscribed by our University.
Reference Section:
A reference section has many encyclopedias, dictionaries and valuable books on various subjects for the immediate reference. Books available in this section will not be issued and permitted to take photocopy within the Library premises.
Textbook Section:
A textbook section holds the textbooks, reference books for the syllabus prescribed by our University. Books available in this section will not be issued and permitted to take photocopy within the Library premises.
Periodicals Section:
SASTRA subscribes to 290 periodicals (Print Media) pertaining to Engineering, Pharmacy, Management, Science, Law, Humanities etc. Out of 290 periodicals, 62 are international journals. The back issues of the journals are bound and maintained as back volumes. The issues of the periodicals and back volumes will not be lent and permitted to take photocopy within the Library premises.
General Instructions:
- Silence should be strictly maintained in the Library Premises.
- All students are strictly advised to use the locker facility in the Personal belongings room to avoid the loss of their valuables
- All students are requested to Login and Logout using the register number in the Gate Register
- Books borrowed from the library should be renewed/returned within the due date.
- Any complaints or request may be submitted to the Librarian.
- Handle the books gently and avoid damaging of books.
- Do not alter the seating arrangements.
- Avoid misplacing of books in the shelves.
- Any kind of discussions or group study will not be permitted inside the Library.
- Usage of mobile phones is strictly prohibited inside the Library. The mobile phone of the defaulters will be ceased and handed over to the Registrar.
- Do not shift the books to other sections.
All students are advised to use all the valuable resources available in our Central Library to mould their prosperous future.