Page 16 - M.Sc-Chemistry
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SASTRA Deemed to be University                                                                    M.Sc. (Chemistry)

                                                                                      L   T    P  C
                                                                                      4   0    0   4
               Course Code: CHY411
               Semester: I

                                               ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY

               Course Objectives:
               This course aims to:
                     Help the learners to understand the different analytical tools used for determining the
                       purity, stability and separation of mixtures
                     Train the learners in handling different analytical data with their error significance

               UNIT – I                                                                            18 Hours
               Accuracy  and  precision,  significant  figures,  multiplication  and  division,  addition  and
               subtraction,  logarithms.  Determinate  errors,  Indeterminate  errors.  Ways  of  expressing
               accuracy:  absolute  errors,  relative  error.  Standard  deviation.  Confidence  limit.  Tests  of
               significance: F test, Student t test, Paired t test, t Test with multiple samples. Rejection of a
               result: the Q test. Median Vs. mean, Range Vs. standard deviation, Confidence limits using
               the range. Linear least squares. Correlation coefficient. ANOVA.

               Stoichiometric calculations: Atomic, molecular and formula weights, Daltons, moles, molarity,
               normality, molality. Expressions of analytical results: Weight/weight basis, Solid samples-%,
               ppt,  ppm,  ppb,  mg%;  Liquid  samples:  Weight/volume  basis,  %,  ppt,  ppm,  ppb,  meq.
               Expressing concentrations as equivalents of substances.

               UNIT – II                                                                       15 Hours
               Paper  chromatography,  thin  layer  chromatography,  general  theory  of  column
               chromatography,  chromatographic  resolution,  capacity  factor,  column  selectivity,  column
               efficiency, peak capacity, Non-ideal behavior. Optimization of chromatographic separations:
               using capacity factor to optimize resolution, using column selectivity to optimize resolution:
               multiple  paths,  longitudinal  diffusion,  mass  transfer,  putting  it  all  together.  Gas
               chromatography,  HPLC,  ion-exchange  chromatography,  size  exclusion  chromatography,
               super critical fluid chromatography.

               Electrophoresis: electrophoretic mobility, electro-osmotic mobility, instrumentation, capillary
               electrophoresis methods, isoelectric focusing. Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy.

               UNIT – III                                                                      15 Hours
               Coulometric  methods  of  analysis:  controlled-potential  coulometry,  controlled-current
               coulometry.  Voltammetric  methods  of  analysis:  voltammetric  measurements,  current  in
               voltammetry, shape of voltammograms, quantitative and qualitative aspects of voltammetry.
               Voltammetric techniques: polarography, hydrodynamic voltammetry, stripping voltammetry,
               amperometry, applications. Electrogravimetry, impedance spectroscopy

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