Auditorium Booking

Procedure for Booking Auditorium


To book auditorium in NirmanVihar (NMV), VidyutVihar (VV) and ViswakarmaJoth (VKJ), kindly follow the procedure as underlined below:


1. Look into the auditorium calendar and find whether the auditorium is available on a required date / time slot

NMV Auditorium Calendar - Click Here

VV Auditorium Calendar - Click Here

VKJ Auditorium Calendar - Click Here

If the auditorium is already booked for an event, it will be displayed as “busy”. Otherwise, the auditorium is available and can be booked.


2. If the auditorium is available for booking, send e-mail with the information(see table below) to the respective auditorium in-charge. The auditorium at NMV, VV and VKJ are equipped with automated lecture capture solution (LCS). This can be utilized for recording of invited lectures / talks. In case you wish to have recording of the invited talk, kindly indicate the same in your requisition e-mail.  The time slot for recording should be mentioned clearly in the e-mail. As recording is automated, it is important that events are conducted as program schedule without delay.


Information to be sent in the body of e-mail

Date  (DD-MM-YYYY)


Time (24 h format)


Name of the event


Details (Name of speaker with affiliation, title of talk). Attach program schedule in e-mail if available


Is video recording required

Yes / No

If yes, time for scheduling LCS recording


Name of the requester / Faculty


Mobile no. of requester


E-mail ID of requester



          Auditorium in-charge and E-mail ID:

          NMV Auditorium:Mr. A. Arulthomas, Technical Assistant, SoCE, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

          VV Auditorium: Dr. V., Padmapriya, AP-3, ECE, SEEE, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

          VKJ Auditorium:Dr. T. Mohan Raj, SAP, Mechanical Engg., SoME, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


3. Based on the e-mail request received, auditorium will be booked by the respective auditorium in-charge. You will be notified through e-mail by the auditorium in-charge confirming the booking.


4. Once the event is completed, the auditorium in-charge will send e-mail to the requester to collect the video file, if recording was requested at the time of booking.


5. In case of any uneventful cancellation or rescheduling of event, kindly send e-mail on priority or contact the respective auditorium in-charge.


6. For students booking auditorium for student association /club events through their personal e-mail ID,kindly submit the application form (use table format as given above) duly signed by the faculty in-charge of the association / club, in addition to sending e-mail OR attach a scan copy of the application signed by the faculty in-charge of association / club along with the requisition e-mail. Faculty in-charge of the student association / club and their contact detail (E-mail ID and extension no. or mobile no.) should be mentioned in the e-mail. The requisition e-mail sent by the student should be cc’d to the faculty in-charge also.


7. LCS recording at auditorium is meant only for invited talks / lectures given by faculty within / outside SASTRA / guest speakers as part of conference / symposium / workshop / seminar and NOT for recording of cultural or technical events.