Our group focuses on four major aspects of mitochondria.
Effect of Hydrogen Sulphide on the mitochondrial subpopulation: Using ex-vivo Langendorff isolated heart model, we are exploring the action of hydrogen sulfide (a cardio-protective agent) and its metabolites on the IFM and SSM, two sub-populations of mitochondria identified in cardiomyocytes. We utilize the cell line model additionally for understanding the molecular changes that happen during ischemia reperfusion injury, so that we can specifically fix a dose range or target a subpopulation using cardiovascular drugs to assist the recovery of the myocardium following cardiac events like myocardial ischemia reperfusion injury.
Pre-existing comorbidities and related changes in mitochondria: Diabetes, atherosclerosis and vascular calcification induce changes in the cardiomyocyte structure and function and are well known to cause cardiovascular complications in the long run. We study the impact of ischemia reperfusion injury on hearts affected with comorbidities, which we are hoping will identify the IFM and SSM status in such conditions and validate the use of drugs or combinational therapies of drugs in treating the complications.
Mitochondria linked biomarker for cardiovascular disease: Cardiac troponin remains a gold standard for assessment of patient recovery from a CABG or PCI procedure. However, patient follow-up visits post such surgical procedures to the clinic are in an upward trend. In a large number of the cases, the improper and incomplete assessment of the post-surgical condition of the patient leads to the overlooking of several conditions which become precursors for dangerous and even fatal paralytic strokes or acute kidney failure. This leads to an increased post-surgical fatality rate. Hence, we hope to identify a mitochondria linked biomarker that can help completely and accurately assess the post-surgical metabolic recovery of the patient. We also are working towards designing a mitochondria-targeted customized diet that aims towards improving the post-surgical prognosis of the patient..
Mitochondrial changes in organs located distant from the injury in situations of stroke: Myocardial infarction, stroke and renal ischemia reperfusion injury are under investigation with the ultimate goal of preserving the mitochondria in all these organs which would lead to the preservation of the organ, improve long term cognition and help in the survival of patients undergoing cardiac bypass. With respect to current knowledge in the field, this study aims to determine vulnerability of mitochondrial subpopulations towards the injury, to design target specific drugs and replace the dead mitochondria with new ones or promote biogeneis using cell based appraoches.
Research Collaborators
Dr. Jose PadikkalaAssociate Director and Professor
Department of Biotechnology
Amala Cancer Research Centre
Kerala, India
Dr. Wahid Khan
Department of Pharmaceutics
National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research
Hyderabad, India
Dr. Senthil Kumar G.
MD, DM (Cardiology)
Thanjavur Medical College
Dr. Senthil Kumar R.
Meenakshi Hospital
Dr. Rajesh Mohanraj
Assistant Professor
Department of pharmacology and therapeutics
Collage of medicine and health sciences
United Arab Emirates University
United Arab Emirates
Dr. Nageswara Rao Dunna
Assistant Professor
School of Chemical and Biotechnology
SASTRA University
Thanjavur, India
Dr. Suresh
Meenakshi Hospital
Dr. Achuthan
Amala Cancer Research Institute
Dr. Kanchana Mala
SRM Medical Research Center